Oilfield Shale Shaker and Mud Cleaner to Turkey Drilling Company
Two sets of complete solids contron equipment including shale shaker and mud cleaner were sent to Turkey for customer from oil drilling industry. This customer gets mud tank locally and equip GN equipment.
The equipment involved in this order are used to a project with treating capacity more than 1000GPM. GN largest capacity model mud cleaner GNZJ853-3S16N with 3 ea 10" desander cone and 16 ea 4" desilter was favoured by the customer. Following the shale shaker and cleaner, there are also 2 years spare shaker screens for customer's stock to make sure the continuous drlling operation.
As the geographical position, Turkey has rich resource for oil. Some of the drilling contractor do the drilling job with persons who come from other Middle East countries. GN already exported to Turkey complete mud recycling system, Decanter Centrifuge. Some customer in Turkey from mining industry also contacted with GN Solids Control to talk about equipment application in their business.